My skill and experience

I have spent the past 15 years with the Enneagram. I created “Yosuda: Mindfulness–Based Yoga and Enneagram” to use the principles of Enneagram and mindfulness yoga to work with clients in a group or one-on-one setting. I find these practices complement each other –- Enneagram study provides a mental awareness of possible behavior patterns in self and others (head), while mindfulness yoga promotes compassionate awareness of thoughts, feelings and actions as they occur in relationships and provides methods for dealing with them (heart, gut).

As a school president, I integrated Enneagram for upper elementary school students to help them discover and learn about themselves. I was instrumental in the creation of The International Mindfulness Recovery Center in Thailand where I introduced the Enneagram as a primary tool that recovering members could use to find the cause of their stress from anxiety, depression, distress, shame and anger.

An Enneagram mentor described my work as “delicate”. Client surveys describe my work as authentic, grounding, compassionate and bringing presence.


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